Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Capital campaign nears goal

The $1.5 million capital campaign has almost reached its goal, and groundbreaking can begin soon. The addition to the current facility at 1501 E. Pythian will increase space for various programs run by The Arc. These programs include training for employees and clients; employment training; additional administrative offices; small group meeting rooms and confidential conference rooms for meetings with client families and guardians, and weekend and summer recreation programs.
The new facility will meet all ADA requirements. Included in the project is a renovation of the current kitchen, allowing for teaching home living skills to those with disabilities. Part of this remodel is funded with a grant from the Darr Family Foundation. Jim D. Morris has given the lead gift for this construction project, which also has received significant gifts from many supporters of The Arc.

You too can help, as a gift of any amount is tax deductible. Each and every donation adds to the staff’s ability to help those with developmental disabilities. Checks, credit cards, and in-kind gifts are the most common form of giving. We also have several naming opportunities, beginning at $2,500. Go to the following link for a donation form for our brick campaign: http://www.thearcoftheozarks.org/index.cfm?id=47356&fuseaction=browse&pageid=87